Mr. Uday Singh Sharma
The Founder Director Gandhi Vidya Mandir School.
विद्याभ्यास स्तपो ज्ञानमिन्द्रियाणां च संयमः।
अहिंसा गुरुसेवा च निःश्रेयसकरं परम्॥
विद्याभ्यास, तपस्या, ज्ञान और इंद्रियों के संयम के माध्यम से विद्या प्राप्त की जा सकती है।अहिंसा और गुरु की सेवा ही सर्वोत्तम कार्य है॥
It pleases me immensely to open you a gateway of Education by bringing our Institution Gandhi Vidya Mandir School in your service forever.
We believe, "Man is the finest and ultimate creation of God and that is why development of human personality through the teaching of humanities is our primary aim."
We aim to enrich our students with the ideals of beauty, goodness and truth which are the spiritual ideals of the human race.
We focus to transform our child into a true human being by educating him to manifest the divine qualities which are invested to him.
The school is to consolidate the nation's spiritual strength, to maintain its historic continuity, to secure its achievements and to guarantee its future. In order to achieve all these goals, our Institution advocates teaching of Literature, Art, Music & various kinds of manual skills which are the grand expressions of the human spirit.
The Institution has formulated its strategic policy on Quality Education to all acknowledging great endeavours of the stake holders, collaborating it with undaunting efforts of honorable principal, teachers and other institutional staff members.
Finally, we welcome you and look forward to your positive co-operation in the eternal journey of excellence and success.