Guidelines For Parents/Guardians
1. Each parent is encouraged to make the PTM a priority. This is an important link to the School and the School functions.
2. Good education is always a joint effort of the School and parents. Though the School can do a lot for the child it cannot do everything. The home is the place where he/she gets his/her first education. So, the education of your child can be complete only with your full cooperation with the School, and by taking keen interest in the ward's progress.
3. You are requested to look into the School Diary of your ward daily, and see that the lessons and home work assigned for the following day are done. Remarks made in the Diary should be signed regularly. Your ward should be encouraged to be neat and tidy in his/her appearance, and with all their belongings you should ensure that he/she attends school punctually.
4. The Personal memo page should be carefully filled up by you.
5. If you observe that your child/ward is not assigned home-work for sometime, or he/she is unable to follow the lessons, the Principal should be contacted. Private
tuitions are discouraged. If you feel that your child requires private tuitions, you may make your own arrangements after informing the School authorities.
6. You are advised not to visit the class rooms during Class hours, except with the prior permission of the Principal. For any information regarding the School, contact only the School Office during Office hours.
7. Children are attracted even by trivial things which they would like to acquire for themselves. If he/she brings home anything form the School without the Teacher's knowledge or consent, kindly send it back the next day and inform about the same to the concerned Teacher.
8. You are requested to meet the Teachers periodically by appointment. Being in touch with the Teacher would help contribute towards the all round progress of the student. Such visits however should not be treated as fault-finding sessions. Legitimate complaints may be promptly brought to the attention of the Principal. It is however not permitted to meet your wards or the teacher during School hours without prior permission of the Principal.
9. You and your ward are strictly prohibited presenting gifts in cash or kind directly or indirectly to any Teacher or Staff member of the School.
10. Avoid criticism of Teacher and the School, particularly in the presence of students. It could lead to lack of respect for the concerned Teacher, and the student may even fail to gain the benefits of being taught. Bring legitimate complaints to the Principal without any fear of reprisal.
11. As your child/ward advances in age guide him/her to become a resourceful and useful member of the home and of society.
Encourage self-help for work and study. He/she should be taught to keep his/her room tidy, make his/her own bed, polish his/her own shoes, carry his/her own bags, etc. The formation of such habits early in life, inculcates in the student the dignity of work, and a fundamental personal virtue necessary for a successful career in life.
12. Withdrawal of your child/ward during class hours for social functions is not recommended, because it may affect the child's progress in School and minimize his/her respect for regular hard work, resulting in failure to progress in his/her studies.
13. Children who are ill should not be sent to School to attend Class or Test. The chances are that he/she may not do well and consequently spoil their Term record.
14. Parents and students should comply with the Norms and Regulations of the School.
15. Other suggestions are most welcome.