
1. In case of absence during examination no re-test would be conducted. Those absent from and exam without and explicit reason will be considered not qualified in that particular subject.
2. No pupil will be allowed to appear for the promotion exam, if he/her class attendance is below 75%.
3. A student should acquire at least a minimum of D Grade in each subject for promotion.
4. The following criteria will be followed for the promotion of a student in case of failure in

one or more subjects.
(a) A student who fails to get at least D Grade in one of the three language subjects or Mathematics may be detained even if he/she gets a pass aggregate in the other subjects.
(b) In case of failure in only one subject, other than language, a minimum of D Grade is required in the subject in which the student has failed.
(c) In case of failure in two subjects, a minimum of 35% is required in each of these subjects.
(d) Failure in two or more languages or subjects renders the pupil in-eligible for promotion.
(e) A pupil who fails twice in the same Class will be asked to discontinue his/her studies in the School.
5. Promotion from one standard to another is made at the end of the academic year on the basis of the whole year's performance. The aggregate for the whole year is taken into consideration for promotion as well as for grading.
6. Promotions are decided by the Teacher's Council. Hence, result are final and will not be reconsidered.
7. The answer-sheets of the Final Exam will be shown neither to the students nor to the parents. However, in special cases, the Principal may review the Final Exam answer- papers on payment of Rs. 100/- per subject in his office, with the help of the concerned Teacher. Any such request for review has to be made through written application, along with the stipulated fees, within three days of the declaration of the result. Subsequently, no such plea shall be entertained, and the decision of the Principal in this matter will be final. The Principal is the competent authority to implement any procedure he deems conducive in the prevailing circumstances.
9. If any correction to be made in the Report card, it is to be brought to the attention of the School Authorities within three days of receipt of the Report card.
10. If case of illness, promotion is settled on the basis of the performance of the student during the year, in consultation with the teacher and the student's previous records.

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