Mr. Sushil Sharma
यथा चित्तं तथा वाचो यथा वाचस्तथा क्रिया"
"As is the mind, so is the speech; as is the speech so is the action"
Gandhi Vidya Mandir is an institution for quality education. We at GVM strive to provide education that explores and grooms every aspect of the students personality. We also ensure that we are actively working on the physical, social, emotional and spiritual development of our students. We train them for problem solving, learning by doing and query based learning activities. Our teachers educate the students to become good citizens. We emphasis much on values and togetherness. They are concerned about their wellbeing. All our actions are from a well thought and seriously discussed plan. Our thinking process is based on values and firm beliefs. If we feel life is beautiful it always attracts happiness. We get what we focus on.
We surely will continue this journey for training our students for to meet future challenges.
My sincere gratitude to teachers, parents and students for keeping trust in GVM