Academic Policies & Information


The Academic year begins in the month of April and ends in March of the following
year. The regular School Timings for the Summer and Winter are as follows :
Summer : 8:00 am to 1:30 pm
Winter : 9:00 am to 2:30 pm
1 Students must reach the school 15 minutes before the timings.
2 Every second Saturday will be a holiday for the students and P.T.M. will be held in which students must be present with their parents/guardians.
3 School time can be changed according to the situation.


PRINCIPAL : MONDAY and TUESDAY from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon with priorappointment.TEACHERS : On P.T.M. every 2nd Saturday with your ward/child.


Each student is provided with a Handbook which contains the Planner of all theactivities and other relevant information related to the academic year. Students and parents should read the Student's Diary thoroughly. In case of any change in the Schedule, the parents will be intimated through circulars or Short Message Service (SMS).


A School library enables the student to gain knowledge and inculcate in them sound reading habits. A trained librarian is available to guide the students.
1. Students are allowed to use the library in their respective library periods along with the concerned teachers.
2. Books should be checked before being taken out of the library at the time of issuing. Any writing, marking, underlining on library books is absolute for bidden.
3. In case of any damage or loss of a book, he/she will have to replace it with a new copy, or pay the cost of it.
4. Book should be returned as per the due-date mentioned on the library Card. A fine of ` 5/- per day will be imposed on any book returned after the due date.
5. Reference books, magazines, periodicals, newspapers, etc. are available for common use and are not issued to the students. INFORMATION
6. Silence is to be observed in the Library.


A simple fact of life is "If you don't like your result, change your approach"! This is what CBSE has done for education through Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE). Our education system always supported scholastic areas, but with the latest research and development it's believed that co-scholastic areas can't be ignored. Co-scholastic areas include life -skills, attitude and values; participation and achievement in activities including literary and creative skills, scientific skills, performing-arts, health and physical education. Every child is special and unique. He needs to identify this strengths and weaknesses through SWOT ( Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) Analysis. Our school has a vision to help students identify their strengths and overcome their weakness by providing those necessary opportunities.


The school has been divided in four houses - NEWTON, THOMSON, RAMAN, EINSTEIN to inculcate various desirable qualities in student like healthy competition, team spirit, leadership, management and self-discipline which promote better studentteacher relationship. Each house is headed by a house incharge and a house captain. The house shall perform the following duties in rotation.
(a) Manage the morning assembly.
(b) Write news and a thought for the day on the board.
(c) Explain the thought in a short speech in the assembly.
(d) Check the comers.
(e) Help to maintain order during recess.
(f) Look after the general cleanliness.
(g) Check the students' uniform.
(h) Organize, conduct and arrange different activities as per activities schedule.

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