Library Norms

A School library enables the student to gain knowledge and inculcate in them sound reading habits. A trained librarian is available to guide the students.

  1. Students are allowed to use the library in their respective library periods along with the concerned teachers.
  2. Books should be checked before being taken out of the library at the time of issuing. Any writing, marking, underlining on library books is absolute for bidden.
  3. In case of any damage or loss of a book, he/she will have to replace it with a new copy, or pay the cost of it.
  4. Book should be returned as per the due-date mentioned on the library Card. A fine of 5/- per day will be imposed on any book returned after the due date.
  5. Reference books, magazines, periodicals, newspapers, etc. are available for common use and are not issued to the students.
  6. Silence is to be observed in the Library.

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