Vice- Principal Message


With great pride and delight, I extend my warm welcome to you.I take this opportunity to commit you a joyful journey of education integrated with fun filled learning experiences.

As the Vice Principal GVM, I thank you parents for trusting us with your most valuable possession and chosing us to give the responsibility of nurturing your young ones.

Following the thought of Swami Vivekananda-

"Education is the manifestation of the perfection which already exists in human being."

We in GVM believe that - There is a bright child in every child and it is our moral duty to bring out the best in them.

We understand that kids.... Learn in peace & joy,

Find pleasure in doing things by themselves, Feel happy in exploring and Find achievement in Discovery.

Therefore GVM’ philosophy is based on Gandhi- Einstein Principles-Let children be explorers who follow their wild imaginations to unravel the mysteries of known and unknown.

I along with my team of educators are committed to create a conducive environment for learning.

So my dear young learners...

Be Fearless in mind and have a pure soul, Be loving and have a caring heart, Have imaginations and creativity, With passion and integrity.

In pursuit of happiness, I wish you a joyful journey of learning. I believe that education is power and we will never stop learning.

With an unending quest for knowledge and nurturing curiosity,

I invite the young minds in school campus.

Be inspired everyday, brimming with new ideas.

Have a blissful life..Happy learning...

Happy growing up!!!!


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